abele Abies acacia acer acorn adansonia agalloch agalwood agave ailanthus ailanto akee alder Algerian fir allspice aloe aloes wood alpine fir angophora anise aniseed anona apple aralia araucaria arbor arbuscle arbute Arbutus areca Argan artocarpus asa ash ash grove ash tree aspen atap avocado balaustine balsa banana Banga banksia banyan bark bass bass wood bay bay tree beachnut bead bean trefoil beech birch black walnut black wattle black willow blackthorn blackwood bluespruce bo bog-oak bole bo-tree bottle bottle-brush box box elder boxwood branch brazil brazilwood breadfruit brown pine buckeye buckthorn bud-scale bunji-bunji bunya-bunya butter butter tree butternut button cabbage cacao calabash canella carica carob caryophyllus cashew castanea catalpa catkin caudex cedar Cedar of Lebanon cedar wattle cedrat cerris cerrus cherry chestnut china tree chincapin chrysobalan cinchona citron clove coastal-tea coconut coco-tree coffee conifer coniferous copper beech copse coquito coral cork cork tree cornel cornus florida corylus cotton tree cottonwood cowtree crab apple crab-tree Cupressus custard apple cypress cypress pine daddock dali daphne dari date deal deciduous deodar dogwood dog-wood wattle dottard Douglas fir durio dwarf ebony elaeocarpus elder elk-wood eriodendron erythrine eucalypt eucalyptus evergreen fagus fiddle wood fig fig tree fir fir cone fir tree flindersia flowering ash foliage forest oak fraxinus fruit fruit tree fustic galactodendron gardenia garlic-pear gatten genipap ginkgo glade glory golden chain golden wattle grapevine grass green-heart greenwood ground ash ground oak grove hackberry haw hawthorn hazel hickory hip hoary poplsr holly holly berry holly-oak honey locust hop horse-chestnut huon hura ilex illipe Indian date ironbark ironwood ivy jaca jacaranda jack tree jack wood Japan laurel Japanese cedar jarrah judas Judas tree jugians juniper karri kauri kingwood kittul kokrawood lana lance wood larch laurel leaf lentiscus lentisk leper-wattle letter wood lilac lilly-pilly linden locust logwood long jack lote nargil nettle Norway spruce nut nut pine nyssa oak oak tree oaken oakling olive orange orange wood orange-ball orchard osier palay palisander pandanus papaw paper bark paper birch partridge wood pawpaw peach pear pear tree pecan pepper pinaster pine pine cone pine needle pine tree pinery pipal pipe pistacia plane plane tree plank platane pockwood pollard poplar prickly ash privet quercitron quercus quicken tree quina quince raintree red cedar red fir redbud red-iron bark redwood roan rod pine root roots rosewood rowan rowan tree royal oak rubber salix sallow sandarach sandbox sand-cherry sanders sap sapan sapan wood sapindus sapling sapodilla sappan sapwood saskatoon sassafras satinwood Scotch fir Scotch pine screw-pine scrub-oak searwood seedling Sequoia service shade tree shea shell-bark she-oak shittah sideroxylon silk oak silk-cotton silky oak silver birch silver fir silver-bell silver-wattle sissoo sloe sloethorn snake-wood sneeze-wood sorb sorrel souari sour-gourd sour-sop Spanish cedar Spanish fir spicewood spindle spruce stone pine strawberry stringybark sunshine wattle suradanni sweet-bay sylvan tall wattle tallow tanghin taxus tea teak teil terebinth thorn thorn tree tigerwood tilia tingi titoki tod toon-wood toothache touch-wood toxicodendron tree of heaven trunk tsuga tuart tulip tulip tree tupelo twig upas varnish veneer vine vinery virgin's-bower walan wallaba walnut wattle waxtree weeping ash weeping birch weeping willow wellingtonia white ash white cedar white cypress white fir white oak white pine white poplar white spruce white thorn white willow whitewood wicken wild cherry willow winter cherry wistaria witch hazel woodlayer woolly butt yacca wood yellow-wood yew yulan zebra wood